Cartoon Brew's pointed out "Bone" fan Andrew Kaiko's hand-drawn Flash test animation makes a pretty strong case for the appeal of a 2-D feature. Culling audio from TellTale Games' "Bone" video game, Kaiko's delivered a glimpse into what could have been.
We haven't heard too much about the "Bone" film's progress of late, but it'll be nice to have this clip on hand to compare it with whatever Warner Bros. and Animal Logic ("Happy Feet") eventually release online. Geeks of Doom have reported that Smith himself would have preferred 2-D, but 3-D was the more cost-effective solution.
Really, Smith's storytelling seems like it could thrive in any number of dimensions, so long as dancing penguins are kept out of the mix. While a feature adaptation of Jeff Smith's wonderful, enduring graphic odyssey is in the works, it'll be an entirely computer-generated affair and it won't have half the hand-hewn charm of this fan created short.
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