Dragonball Z, originally crafted by the legendary Akira Toriyama, has captured the attention of its audience and influenced multitudes of creators. More than ten years after ending its run on television, the series has managed to stay in the public eye thanks to countless media offerings ranging from toys to games to DVDs. Funimation, the company that owns the rights to the series, has done a thorough job of keeping Dragonball Z on the market, making it easily accessible for fans both new and old.
Action has always been Dragonball Z's strong suit and this set doesn't disappoint, featuring multiple battles between Vegeta and Freeza's various henchmen. If there is one drawback, it's that a few of the fights are drawn out and should only last half as long as they actually do.
FUNimation Entertainment has announced the English cast of the latest chapter of the genre-establishing Dragon Ball franchise, “Dragon Ball Z Kai.”
In “Dragon Ball Z Kai” the Dragon Ball Z story is retold to more closely follow creator Akira Toriyama’s original tale about a brave young warrior named Goku.
A project personally overseen by Toriyama, “Dragon Ball Z Kai” has been re-edited and re-made using the latest in digital technology.
"Dragon Ball Z Kai has been hotly anticipated in the states," said Gen Fukunaga, president and CEO of FUNimation Entertainment. "We are pleased to come together with Toei and offer passionate fans, which have been waiting for developments in the Dragon Ball universe, the opportunity to see the new series."
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